Tej Acton Academy is an innovative, independent K-12 school in Campbell designed for each child to discover their inner genius- or 'Tej'. Join us as we reinvent education, focusing on a nurturing community, character growth, real-world projects, and self-paced academics.
Schedule a TourSelf-management and self-governance are celebrated daily by learners who use 21st Century skills to tackle real world projects, inspired by classic heroes in a tightly bound community with extremely high standards. High School planned for Fall 2026.
Learn More About Our StudiosActon Academy has grown into the world's largest microschool community over 15 years, with over 300 campuses in 30 countries. At Acton Academy, excellence is a way of life. Our students advance, on average, 2.5 grade levels ahead of their traditional school peers within three years; enabling them to enroll in college courses and graduate high school by age 16.
Our graduates attend top universities, innovate at companies like Google and SpaceX, launch their own ventures, and contribute to organizations like the World Health Organization. They are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and determination to make a meaningful impact.
More importantly, Acton Academy graduates understand who they are, where they want to go, and who they want to become. They are prepared to lead with courage, compassion, and integrity in an ever-changing world.
Co-Founder and Director at
Tej Acton Academy